Sunday, April 13, 2014

Paleo Plantain Nachos

I don't know about you, but I love nachos. The thing is, I've only had tortilla chips twice since 'going paleo' and both times they didn't agree with me.

Anyways, yesterday I wanted nachos. So I made some. Paleo style, of course!

Disclaimer: For any Paleo Police reading this, if you wanna get technical you can call these Primal Plantain Nachos since they do have a bit of cheese. Or you can just get over it!

This is more of a guideline than an actual recipe.

You will need:
~Homemade or store bought plantain chips. If store bought check what kind of oil they are cooked in!
~Meat of your choice. I used kalua pig from Nom Nom Paleo. You can use ground meat (bison, turkey, beef, chicken), shredded meat (pork, chicken, turkey), steak, you get the idea.
~Grass fed cheddar cheese
~Toppings of your choice. I used guacamole, mango salsa, green onion, and jalepenos.

Feel free to get creative and use whatever meat and toppings you choose! And if you wanna keep it strict paleo omit the cheese.

What to do:
Spread some plantain chips on a plate, top with meat, add a little bit of cheese. Microwave (or bake on a baking sheet in oven) until cheese is melted.

Top with salsa, guac, and your toppings.

Now devour. One of my new favorites! They were super delicious and quick to make.

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