Sunday, April 13, 2014

Paleo Plantain Nachos

I don't know about you, but I love nachos. The thing is, I've only had tortilla chips twice since 'going paleo' and both times they didn't agree with me.

Anyways, yesterday I wanted nachos. So I made some. Paleo style, of course!

Disclaimer: For any Paleo Police reading this, if you wanna get technical you can call these Primal Plantain Nachos since they do have a bit of cheese. Or you can just get over it!

This is more of a guideline than an actual recipe.

You will need:
~Homemade or store bought plantain chips. If store bought check what kind of oil they are cooked in!
~Meat of your choice. I used kalua pig from Nom Nom Paleo. You can use ground meat (bison, turkey, beef, chicken), shredded meat (pork, chicken, turkey), steak, you get the idea.
~Grass fed cheddar cheese
~Toppings of your choice. I used guacamole, mango salsa, green onion, and jalepenos.

Feel free to get creative and use whatever meat and toppings you choose! And if you wanna keep it strict paleo omit the cheese.

What to do:
Spread some plantain chips on a plate, top with meat, add a little bit of cheese. Microwave (or bake on a baking sheet in oven) until cheese is melted.

Top with salsa, guac, and your toppings.

Now devour. One of my new favorites! They were super delicious and quick to make.

Sunday WOD: Medusa's Challenge

Started my Sunday off with Medusa's Challenge! Killer workout. Worked up a great sweat and was just the challenge I needed today.

It was also a great way to clear my head and get rid of some stress I've been dealing with.

So how did I do?

Well, I alternated jogging and walking during the 15 minute run/walk/jog. Running is difficult for me. I hate it so I tend to avoid it. But with a mud run and the Spartan Sprint coming up, I can't just ignore that part of my training. Running is difficult for my lungs right now, but I know if I stick with it, it will get easier over time.

As for the push-ups, I did them on my knees. Still working on being able to to a full push-up and the Reebok Spartan 30 Push-Ups for 30 Days Challenge is definitely helping!

Pull-ups are also still a challenge for me. I can't do even one unassisted pull-up. But that just motivates me to try harder. Every time I am in the gym I do pull-ups on the assisted pull-up machine. I also just recently ordered a pull-up bar for the house and pull-up assist bands, both of which should be here next week.

I am determined to reach my goal of being able to do full push-ups and unassisted pull-ups. I know with hard work it's only a matter of time!

Now it's time to clean up, go grocery shopping, and meal prep for the week!

How are you challenging yourself today? Have a kick ass week everyone!

P.S. I'll be posting a paleo plantain nacho recipe later tonight!

Find the Medusa's Challenge by following the link below:

Medusa's Challenge « Workout of the Day

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Homemade Almond Milk

I used to down a gallon of 2% milk every two least.

I stopped drinking dairy milk probably a year ago. And in the past six months the only dairy I have had is grass fed butter. In the past two weeks I have also treated myself to some amazingly delicious grass fed ice cream. Shhh...

So what now?

I make my own almond milk! And it's super easy. I am not a fan of store bought almond milk because there are always unnecessary ingredients.

So here is how I make my almond milk:

You will need:
-2 cups of raw almonds
-about 8 cups filtered water

Optional ingredients:
-pure vanilla extract or vanilla bean
-pure organic maple syrup


Soak the almonds in four cups of water overnight.

Give them a good rinse after they are done soaking. Now, at this point you can peel the almonds, which is really easy after they've been soaking, but this is completely optional. Don't wanna peel them? Then don't! I prefer to peel them if I'm not being lazy. I find if they've soaked long enough you can pinch an almond in between your fingers and they pop right out of the skin. 

Now blend the almonds with the reading four cups of filtered water. I use a Nutribullet so I do this in two batches. Make sure you blend them up really well. 

Next strain the mixture in a nut milk bag (I got mine off Amazon) and squeeze out all the extra moisture. A fine mesh sieve and cheesecloth might work too, but maybe not as well. At this point you can add a lil splash of vanilla and/or maple syrup to sweeten your milk. I usually don't sweeten mine as I use it mostly for smoothies. 

Store in the refrigerator for 5-7 days in a sealed jar. 

As for the leftover almond pulp...don't toss it! You can use it to make almond flour. Set your oven at the lowest temperature. Spread the pulp on a pan lined with parchment paper. You can leave the oven cracked open to help reduce moisture. It will take a few hours at least, probably longer. Once it's completely dry give it a whirl in a food processor and store it in an airtight jar. 

You can also just store the pulp, without dehydrating it, in the fridge for a few days and add it to smoothies. Or just toss if you're lazy! 

Next I'll be sharing my favorite breakfast smoothie with you all!