Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday WOD: Medusa's Challenge

Started my Sunday off with Medusa's Challenge! Killer workout. Worked up a great sweat and was just the challenge I needed today.

It was also a great way to clear my head and get rid of some stress I've been dealing with.

So how did I do?

Well, I alternated jogging and walking during the 15 minute run/walk/jog. Running is difficult for me. I hate it so I tend to avoid it. But with a mud run and the Spartan Sprint coming up, I can't just ignore that part of my training. Running is difficult for my lungs right now, but I know if I stick with it, it will get easier over time.

As for the push-ups, I did them on my knees. Still working on being able to to a full push-up and the Reebok Spartan 30 Push-Ups for 30 Days Challenge is definitely helping!

Pull-ups are also still a challenge for me. I can't do even one unassisted pull-up. But that just motivates me to try harder. Every time I am in the gym I do pull-ups on the assisted pull-up machine. I also just recently ordered a pull-up bar for the house and pull-up assist bands, both of which should be here next week.

I am determined to reach my goal of being able to do full push-ups and unassisted pull-ups. I know with hard work it's only a matter of time!

Now it's time to clean up, go grocery shopping, and meal prep for the week!

How are you challenging yourself today? Have a kick ass week everyone!

P.S. I'll be posting a paleo plantain nacho recipe later tonight!

Find the Medusa's Challenge by following the link below:

Medusa's Challenge « Workout of the Day

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